Superfoods That Can Make You Feel Like Superman ๐
Itโs not just the exercise you do, a lot goes into maintaining a healthy diet. And well, itโs not easy if you donโt have the ingredients to start with. To keep up with a healthy diet, and get that extra boost of energy, you must have these nutrient packed superfoods in your pantry.
Itโs up to you how you consume it. You may prefer to take it as a daily supplement or add it to your breakfast smoothies and porridge or even add it to your salads and soups.
Top 5 Superfoods to add to your Diet
Acai Berries are not readily available and hence, most of them choose the powdered form. These contain powerful antioxidants which help you stay away from heart diseases, and diabetes. Besides, it contains healthy fats such as Omegas 3 and 6 which therefore prevent you from conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Perfect in smoothies, shakes, juices and protein drinks, acai berry powder is delicious when sprinkled directly over fresh fruit salads and on your favourite raw food desserts.
Have you tried these anytime? They have a bitter sweet taste. Contains a very large number of antioxidants, even much more than apples, broccoli, and goji berries. They are also extremely high in fiber, highest among all dry fruits.
Golden berries are great for baking, add them to your breads, muffins etc. Besides, you can also turn them into tasty bread spreads.
You will be surprised to know that maca is a root and belongs to the family of radish. Rich in vitamins B, C and E it comes with great amount of Zinc, calcium, iron and amino acids. It helps restore blood cells which helps fight anemia. Maca is also great for teeth and bone health, giving you the power to heal faster. For people who fight from skin conditions like acne maca is just perfect in blemishing scars.
Not all cholesterol is bad and Chia seeds contain the Heart-healthy cholesterol that prevents strokes and heart attacks. These tiny little seeds are powerhouses, high in fiber. Aids in weight loss, makes you fuller and also prevents you from indulging or overeating. For all vegans, yes Chia is also packed with protein and is also vital for bone health. These seeds can be added to almost anything and everything, bake them into a bread, use as toppings, turn into spread, make them into a pudding.
Power protein for all vegans, spirulina is a great source of B-Vitamins and high in iron content. In addition, the percentage of calcium it contains is more than that of 26 times the amount in milk which makes it perfect for children, pregnant women and older generation.
It helps in weight loss and increases fat burning while exercising. Fitness peeps will simply love this!
Find all these Superfoods Here Made by Ripe. #EatBetterFeelBetterbyRipe