Qty: 1
31.50 AED

  • 1 Kg
  • Organic


Sweet potatoes have a creamy texture also, a sweet-spicy flavour that makes them ideal for savoury dishes. There are two types, one with bright orange flesh, and the other with pale cream flesh.


Fresh sweet potatoes generally do not store well, except under ideal conditions, and bruised ones rapidly deteriorate. In a dry, dark, cool place, they can last up to three to four weeks. Plan on using within one week of purchase and do not refrigerate. Cooked sweet potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator in a covered container.


Sweet Potato skin can be left on if scrubbed well, or can be peeled. The ends, however, should be removed. Slice, dice or bake whole, like potatoes. Saute, barbecue, fry or microwave. Serve as a vegetable with roasts, stuff, mash on their own or add to potato, use in soups, sweet potato pies, cakes, scones or biscuits. In many recipes sweet potato can replace potato and pumpkin.

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