Spring Break is Here!

Spring Break Time for the Little Ones!

Spring break is just around the corner! It’s time to get your list and come up with amazing and fresh ideas to make sure the kids will have the best yet healthy spring break ever.

We came up with 3 encouragements here at Ripe to help you with your list!

  1. Encourage your kids to help in the kitchen!

Here are some recipes that you can cook with your kids that they would absolutely love and enjoy!

     Honey Bread


Get the recipe here!

     Chicken Fingers and Green Beans with Tahini Sauce


Get the recipe here (will insert recipe link when finished)

2. Encourage your kids to eat healthy! Prepare this delicious recipe and your kids will love this snack as it’s yummy and definitely healthy!

Veg and Cheese Roll



  1. Encourage your kids to recycle!

Here’s some idea for a fun activity on how you can show recycling to your kids!

       Water bottle bubbles

This is a fun activity for pre-schoolers!

Cut off the bottom part of the water bottle. Dip the cut end of the bottle in a bubble solution. Blow through the mouth hole and bubbles will be created at the other end.

      Note: A good bubble solution is ¼ cup of water to 1tbsp of dish soap.


We wish you fun and fresh Spring Break with your kids this year!

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